Medical Physicist | A Physician Who Diagnoses and Treats Diseases

Medical Physicist
Medical Physicist


After completing high school and deciding to major in studying the medical physics department at the university, you will need some things, and this usually requires a combination of education and training in order to become a medical physicist. In terms of education, it is a field that mixes mathematics, physics, and biology and its application to medicine, and this field is somewhat modern. In this article we will explain the role of a medical physicist in their professional field, and what are the eligibility requirements for their work.

Who is the Medical Physicist

A medical physicist is a specialized healthcare professional who applies principles of physics to the field of medicine. They play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and effective use of radiation and other advanced imaging technologies for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in medical settings. Their work involves a combination of scientific knowledge, technical expertise, and practical application.

To become a medical physicist, one typically needs to obtain a relevant degree in physics, medical physics, or a related field, followed by specialized training and certification in medical physics. Different countries may have varying requirements and certifications for medical physicists, but they all aim to ensure that these professionals have the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute safely and effectively to the medical field.

Some of the Questions Received

Should I learn English completely?

You need to have a good knowledge of the English language, and this is almost a dilemma for some foreign students because university studies will be mostly in English and some of them decide to go to courses to learn the English language completely and they do not need that, but rather you need to know some words and their meanings during Your previous studies in primary and secondary school and during your start in university studies, you will find it somewhat difficult to memorize and write, but you will get used to it when you practice, follow-up and read.

Is studying biology necessary with medical physics?

The fact that medical physics is a medical field that specializes in the human body in terms of health care, treatment, and diagnosis, so you only need to know the anatomy of the human body (for example: knowing the structure of bones, muscles, organs, and their functioning system), and there are some applications on smart phones that show you the anatomy of the human body in detail.

How do I Become a Medical Physicist

Is studying computer science necessary with medical physics?

While studying medical physics, you need a simple knowledge of Microsoft desktop programs such as Word and Excel, as well as the famous MATLAB program.

What do I need while studying medical physics?

Studying alone cannot be sufficient in any job or any university specialization. There must be training and practical application on equipment and devices by students, and this is very necessary. At the university, they provide training for its students in hospitals or clinics during a certain period of time, and this introduces students to Their work environment, and training is also not enough to prepare students, so you need to participate in courses specialized in teaching students about the equipment and devices used within the field of medical physics at your own expense.

Fields of Work of a Medical Physicist

At the Practical Level:

1- Medical Imaging Machines.

2- Division of Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy.

3- Monitoring and Healthcare Devices.

4- Health Informatics.

5- Divisions of Physical Therapy.

6- Division of Health Physics.

7- Clinical Planning.

At the Educational Level:

At the university level (Teaching and Education), medical physicists often participate in teaching medical students, residents, and other healthcare professionals about medical physics principles, radiation safety, and the use of advanced medical technologies.

Development in the Field

In order to become a medical physicist, you must first obtain a bachelor's degree in medical physics, and you do not need to be among the first to get a job opportunity in government agencies such as hospitals and clinics. Relatively, but does not prevent you from specializing in medical physics at all.

A bachelor's degree is sufficient to specialize in the field of medical physics, and you can work in hospitals and clinics upon obtaining this certificate, but if you want to develop and specialize in one of the fields of medical physics, this can be done after obtaining a master's degree, and you can teach in universities if you complete your master's study or when you obtain a doctorate degree In this area.

After completing your postgraduate degree you can complete a residency program in medical physics, this usually takes about two years and provides practical training in clinical settings. Find programs accredited by CAMPEP.

Apply for Jobs

In conclusion, once you have completed your education, training, and certification, you can apply for jobs as a physiotherapist in hospitals, clinics, research laboratories, and other healthcare settings.

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