Nuclear physics is a branch of physics that studies the properties and behavior of atomic nuclei, which are the dense central nuclei of atoms (the building blocks of matter). Nuclear physics deals with understanding the nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, and processes that occur within atomic nuclei. From nuclear energy to understanding the origins of the universe, this branch of science plays a pivotal role in many scientific and technological advances. In this article, we will explain a comprehensive introduction to nuclear physics, highlighting its basic concepts, applications, and pioneering discoveries that have given us a broader understanding of the atomic world.
The problems of understanding the force that holds particles together and describing the behavior of many-particle systems are related. The properties of a system of many particles are largely determined by the force that binds them to each other. Other aspects emerge simply because many particles interact. Physicists can discuss multiparticle systems only within certain approximations determined by the experimental facts they wish to explain (approximate descriptions are called models).
Brief History of Nuclear Physics
The study of nuclear physics began in the early twentieth century when scientists discovered that the atom was not indivisible as previously thought. In 1896 Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered radioactivity while studying the properties of uranium salts. This happened when he noticed the occasional blackening of a photographic plate adjacent to a particular metal. This discovery led to further investigations by scientists such as Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford, and James Chadwick who made major contributions to the understanding of nuclear physics.
In 1898, Pierre and Marie separated the elements polonium and radium. In 1908, Geiger and Rutherford measured the charge of an alpha particle to be +2. In 1911 Rutherford discovered the nucleus. In 1913, Niels Bohr developed the theory of atomic spectra. In 1919, Rutherford discovered the emission of protons from nitrogen that is bombarded by alpha particles. Quantum theory was developed between 1924 and 1928 by de Broglie, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Born, and Dirac. In 1932, Chadwick discovered the neutron, according to the following equation:
Then, neutron capture was discovered in 1934 by Fermi. The Beth Weizhacker mass formula was developed in 1935. In 1939, neutron fission was discovered. The cortex model was developed in 1949 by Goeppert Mayer and Jensen. The collective innovation model was developed in 1951 by Bohr, Mottelson, and Rainwater. In 1957, nuclear superleaks were discovered by Bohr and Motelson. All these years indicate the era in which the sciences of nuclear physics developed, and to this day there are still new developments in this field.
Basic Concepts of Nuclear Physics
- The atomic nucleus: It is a quantum body consisting of nucleons (mass number), protons Z (atomic number), and neutrons N.
- Nuclides: An atomic type with specific numbers A and Z.
A and Z denote nucleus X with a total number of nucleons A = N + Z, A stable system is produced only from certain combinations of numbers Z and N, so systems different from stable configurations undergo spontaneous radioactive decay until stability is reached.
A nuclide nucleus is considered unstable as something well-defined if its half-life is much longer than 10 to 21 seconds, which is a time scale characteristic of processes governed by strong interaction. These unstable nuclides are associated with nuclear force and/or Coulomb and centrifugal barriers.
The figure below shows the basic components of an atom:
The Strong Nuclear Force
In nuclear physics lies the strong nuclear force, also known as the strong force. This force binds protons and neutrons together within the atomic nucleus and overcomes the repulsive electric force between the positively charged protons. It is responsible for the stability of atomic nuclei and controls various nuclear phenomena.
The stability of the nucleus depends on the balance between the strong nuclear force, which keeps nucleons together, and the electromagnetic force, which tends to push protons apart due to their similar charges. Nuclei that contain too few or too many nucleons compared to the ideal ratio of protons to neutrons are typically unstable and undergo radioactive decay to achieve a more stable configuration.
Nuclear physics is a broad field of study that studies the properties and behavior of atomic nuclei. It includes understanding nuclear structure, radioactive decay, nuclear reactions, and their applications. The knowledge gained from nuclear physics has revolutionized our understanding of matter, energy, and the universe and has led to advances in energy production, medicine, and basic research.
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