The Super Blue Moon 2023

The Super Blue Moon 2023
The Super Blue Moon 2023


On the night of the 30th and 31st of August 2023, a rare astronomical phenomenon occurred on Earth known as The Super Blue Moon. The moonlight seemed brighter in color and relatively large in size. In this article, we will learn about the phenomenon of the giant blue moon, when this phenomenon occurs, and does the moon really appears blue? Why is this phenomenon considered rare? Can this phenomenon affect the Earth? Follow us to find out.

When Does the Super Blue Moon Appear

The super blue moon appears when the moon is in a full moon, and when the full moon appears twice in one solar month, the super blue moon appears in our sky. According to the lunar calendar, the sequence of days of the lunar months in the year leads to the appearance of 13 full moons, instead of the usual number of 12 full moons.

This moon was called a super blue moon because it appeared larger and brighter than usual this time, this is due to the convergence that occurred between the center of the moon and the Earth, where the distance was about 363 000 km. This point is called the perihelion, and it is the point closest to the Earth in its elliptical orbit.

Will the Super Blue Moon Really Look Blue

It is also rumored that the moon appeared in a blue color, but this is not true. The truth is that it is an ordinary full moon, just like the rest of the full moons, and it appears in a bright white color. But it appears as a light blue or light green color to a very small extent if viewed just before sunrise or immediately after sunset.

These are several photos taken by an amateur space photographer and posted on Instagram:

The Super Blue Moon

Why is the Phenomenon of the Super Blue Moon Rare

This phenomenon is rare because the blue moon only appears once every two or three years, and the phenomenon of super moons only appears every three or four years, but the combination of these two phenomena, the “Blue Moon” and the “Super Moon,” is a phenomenon that is considered rare because it only occurs every Ten or twenty years.

Does the Super Blue Moon Damage the Earth

We knew that this phenomenon was amazing and beautiful, as it decorated our skies with a bright, brilliant color, but there are some damages caused by the moon’s proximity to the Earth. The moon's gravity sometimes causes floods and torrential rains because it erodes the water and causes the tides to rise, but this case is rare.

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